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Is Your Sump Pump Ready to Take on Rainstorms? Insights from a Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning Company in Cary, Illinois

Illinois can get very rainy in the summer months — and if you live in the Cary area, you can experience water issues in your home during this season. If you don’t want to deal with any water damage in your home, it’s important to make sure your sump pump is working properly. Below, this plumbing, heating and air conditioning company in Cary, Illinois is going to share some tips on how to test your sump pump and make sure it’s ready for heavy rain.

How to Test Your Sump Pump

Having a sump pump is very important for keeping your home safe from flooding. It is usually installed in the basement for the purpose of removing any water pooling around your home’s foundation. If this pump is not working properly, you could end up with problems like mold, mildew, or even damage to your home’s structure.

Here’s how you can test your sump pump:

Check for visible damage – Check for any visible damage on the sump pump. Remove the pump cover and check inside for any clogs or cracks. You also want to be sure that the check valve is working properly and there are no blockages.

Examine the drainage pipe – Check the drainage pipe that carries water away from your home to make sure it is clear of any blockages. If you see any clogs, you can clear them with a plumber’s snake, wet-dry vacuum, or hydrojetting.

Test the electrical components – Your sump pump has two electrical cords — one that plugs into the wall and another that connects to the float cord. You want to unplug the pump cord from the float cord and then plug it directly into the wall outlet. The pump should turn on immediately. After this, put the cords back where they were.

Simulate a flood – Create a mini flood by pouring water into the sump pump crock to make sure it turns on and drains properly. Assuming it is working as it should, the switch will turn on when the water level rises and shut off once the water is drained.

If you can’t get past a problem or are not sure how well your sump pump is working during these tests, you should call a professional. A trusted plumbing, heating, and air conditioning company in Cary, Illinois, can come to inspect your sump pump and perform any needed repairs immediately.

Plumbing Services in Cary, Illinois

In addition to taking care of your sump pump, you should schedule regular plumbing services to keep your home’s water systems running smoothly. Professional plumbers can handle everything from small leaks to pipe replacements. 

Cooling Services in Cary, Illinois

You need a working AC to regulate the indoor temperature inside your home in the summer and keep your living areas cool and comfortable. Getting regular maintenance, repairs, and installations from a reliable plumbing, heating, and AC company in Cary, Illinois, can keep your home nice and breezy all summer long.

Heating Services in Cary, Illinois

You should also make sure your heating system is in good working condition before winter arrives so you can keep your home warm and comfortable when temperatures drop. Getting your system inspected and repaired in advance by a professional plumbing, heating, and air conditioning company in Cary, Illinois will help keep your home warm all winter.

Looking for a Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning Company in Cary, Illinois?

Do you want to make sure your home’s plumbing, heating, and air conditioning systems work efficiently and effectively this summer? If so, and you’re looking for the top-rated plumbing, heating and air conditioning company in Cary, Illinois, Lifeline is the top choice. Our team of certified and highly skilled technicians can get your HVAC or plumbing systems upgraded, repaired, serviced, and functional as per your expectations. Contact us today at (847) 468-0069 to get started.