Lifeline Plumbing, Heating & Cooling


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Will a Low Flow Toilet Save Me Money?

Water conservation is important both for the environment and for your home budget. Considering that one of the main uses of water inside a home is the toilet (it can account for almost 30% of all indoor water consumption), one of the best methods to conserve water in your house is to have a low flow toilet installed.

This is not as large a task as you may think: you only have to contact Lifeline Plumbing and our bathroom plumbing specialists to schedule the work. We can take care of a fast low flow toilet installation in Lombard, IL and other parts of Chicagoland and Fox Valley. We’re not only experienced plumbers, we are also experienced bathroom remodelers, and installing large new fixtures is something we can do speedily and flawlessly. Call us to schedule service today.

But will this really save me money?

Yes! Low flow toilets really work, and you don’t have to take our word for it. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports that low flow toilets with the WaterSense label (the equivalent for water fixtures of the ENERGY STAR label found on electronics) can reduce water use for toilets by 20 to 60%, depending on the age of the toilet it is replacing. For the average family, this means saving around 13,000 gallons of water every year. In the long view, if all the inefficient older model toilets in the U.S. were swapped out for low flow models, the country would save 520 billion gallons of water per year.

How much can I expect to save?

What does this mean for your budget? It depends on the cost of water where you live, but we can still look to the EPA for an estimate. If we go with 13,000 gallons saved annually, that should mean saving $110 per year off your water bills. Over the lifetime of the toilet installation, that should add up to $2,200.

Thanks to our experience with bathroom remodeling, we will make sure that you receive a toilet that fits with your bathroom décor as well. Trust us when it comes to finding ways to save money with quality plumbing installations.

When you contact Lifeline Plumbing for your low flow toilet installation in Lombard, IL, you’ll receive quality work that you can’t expect if you attempted to take on the work yourself. Call us today!