Lifeline Plumbing, Heating & Cooling
Giving Back to the Communities that Supports Us
At Lifeline plumbing, heating & cooling, we care tremendously about the well-being of our area. With this in mind, we make it our mission to give back to the communities we live and work in. We are launching a new program called Lifeline Gives Back. Through this new program we will be trying to help families in need with some basic Plumbing and HVAC services.
We believe that there’s no greater feeling than helping those in need—not for a monetary reward, praise, or even for a pat on the back, but simply because it’s the right thing to do. With this philosophy, we make it our mission to try and help change the lives of people throughout the Chicagoland area, one plumbing, heating, or cooling service at a time.
Through the Lifeline Gives Back program we will provide cost-free services for needy homeowners, families, and organizations throughout our community.
Please contact our office for more information about the program and to see if you would qualify. We will be featuring our monthly recipient below.

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